IT Security

Ransomware Protection New York

To combat the ever-present danger of ransomware, three main factors must be addressed: Prevention, Protection, and Removal.

Prevention Of Ransomware Attacks

Your devices and network are continuously monitored to ensure that any problems are quickly resolved. Attack vectors are closed off before they can be used.

Suspicious messages are identified and removed using advanced email protection technologies. Suspicious attachments are also removed and deleted before they reach your network.

There is also a complete data backup available. All your information can be kept safe and secure offsite on our cloud servers.

Nothing beats common sense and caution when it comes to technology. In addition to technological methods, we can also educate your end-users on the most popular ransomware delivery methods, such as phishing scams and other attempts to steal their data or trick them into installing malicious software.

Protection From Ransomware

Protection comes in second to prevention but is still vital. If ransomware infects your company’s network, our solutions provide:

  • Round the clock ransomware detection
  • Blocking of exploits to prevent ransomware spreading.
  • Machine learning driven ransomware protection
  • Suspicious activity detection to prevent unknown ransomware from using known methods of attack.
  • Automated alerts to let you know the second ransomware attacks are detected.

Removal of Ransomware

When a ransomware attack occurs, it is important to isolate and delete the ransomware as soon as possible.

Isolating the danger and disconnecting any infected machines from the network would be the first move.

The investigation will then begin, with the aim of determining the scope of the attack as well as the type of ransomware used. We will work to avoid any duplications while also working to retrieve any locked data to ensure business continuity.

Prevent and Remove Ransomware today. Call Carden IT Services.

Keep your IT infrastructure safe

Contact us today for comprehensive ransomware protection services.

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