Author: Jeremy Huson

Jeremy Huson is the founder and director of Carden IT Services LLC. He has nearly two decades of experience managing businesses’ IT networks and his areas of expertise are IT consultation and cybersecurity.

passwords written in a book

Found Your Details on The Dark Web? Follow Our Advice to Prevent This Happening Again

The dark web is an area of the internet where cybercriminals can operate in near complete anonymity. Many of the websites you have used or now use have had data breaches in the past, and certain portions of the dark web contain the results of such breaches. Names, dates of birth, addresses, booking numbers, and, worst of all credit, card details and passwords, can all be found in this data.

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Microsoft Office 365 – What Is Multi Factor Authentication and Why Should You Use It?

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), also known as 2 Factor Authentication (2FA), is a means of authenticating a login to a service with an additional piece of information (i.e. something more than username + password). You may find these on public services like websites or on internal services like a POS system. If you are a Microsoft Office 365 user, you should activate your MFA option today to immediately boost your security.