Cloud Computing

Public & Private Cloud

Cloud services are growing in prominence across all sectors, but a business looking to make the transition to the cloud must make a big decision first, use public cloud services or build their own private cloud?

There are compelling arguments for both but the best choice for your business will depends on your company’s needs, its size, the industry it operates in, federal and state-level regulations, and more.

Carden IT Services cloud computing team can help you to determine the best cloud computing environment for you. We can then help to plan and implement the migration of your network, software, applications, files, and folders from your local network to your new cloud infrastructure.

From then on, we can monitor and troubleshoot your cloud services to ensure they continue to operate at peak efficiency and are helping to increase your productivity and not hinder it.

Why Business Choose Public Cloud Services?

Public Cloud Services, like those offered by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud use shared infrastructure in the form of their data centres. As the costs are spread across several users on each server the price of public cloud services is kept low. There is also no start up costs as you do not have to purchase new equipment. Once you sign up to public cloud services you pay a monthly fee, and you can increase or decrease the amount of storage or processing power you rent each month as your business scales.

This scalability makes cloud services great for growing businesses who may see their use double several times in the next few year, and seasonal businesses which may require very large amounts of computing power for certain points of the year and less during others.

In summary, the benefits of a public cloud service are:

  • Scalability – pay only for what you use and only when you use it.
  • Low Cost – no start-up cost mean you can start using it immediately for no extra cost.
  • Predictable Monthly Fees – Easily budgeted monthly charge which can be scaled as and when you need more cloud usage.
  • Secure – Protected by the cybersecurity teams of some of the biggest technology companies in the worlds.

Why Businesses Choose Private Cloud Services?

A private cloud service is built specifically for a single a business. They will purchase their own servers and host their applications and data on them. These servers may be kept on premises or may instead be housed in a data centre.

Private cloud services are ideal for businesses which work under strict regulatory framework which sometimes forbid the use of public cloud servers.

Whereas customers of public cloud services must make use of a limited set of configurations, private cloud servers, and the networks which run on them, can be configured in any way the user wishes. This makes them particularly useful for businesses which have a specific or baroque way of ordering their network.

As the business is responsible for the servers and have purchased them outright, there is no ongoing monthly cost – aside from the power required to run the servers and the space required to house them. This means that if you already have the expertise in your business or are partnered with a provider like our who is providing you with comprehensive IT support, the monthly costs of running a private cloud server can be significantly less and can quickly outstrip the extra costs of having to purchase your own hardware.

It is important to note though that unlike with a public cloud, you will be entirely responsible for the security and backups of your data.

In summary, the benefits of a private cloud service are:

  • More granular control – No pre-sets, configure your servers as you like.
  • Regulatory compliance – Adheres to even the strictest data protection regulations.
  • Uncontested – as the infrastructure is not shared you have access to 100% of your processing and storage 100% of the time.

Speak to Carden IT Services’ Cloud Computing team today to learn more about which public and private cloud options would be best for your business.

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